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摄影师简历范例 Photographer Resume

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摄影师简历范例 Photographer Resume

Hannah Oyler
21 Balsom St
Ventura, CA 94120
(613) 555 - 7236

To obtain a position as a photographer for a major metropolitan newspaper.
Notable Achievements
Time Magazine, Top Photos of the Year 1999 for California Wildfire at Night
Banaker Excellence in Photography Fellowship, 1995.
Ventura County Times
Staff photographer, 1996 - Present
Regular coverage included: Sports, Lifestyle, & Metro. Successfully met tight deadlines.
Los Angeles Times
Summer Intern, 1995 & 1996
Assisted lead sports photographer. Selected and assembled equipment according to subject material, anticipated conditions. Gained valuable knowledge of function and limitations of various types of cameras, lenses, and films.
University of Southern California
B.A., Photography, 1996

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