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英文求职信 时间:10-15 14:02 浏览次数:1886
英文封面信范例2 标签: 英语求职信范文,英文求职信范文 http://www.519jianli.com

Patrick Wilde
Suite 1234, No. 4-2, Yamate-cho
Yokohama 231-0866

Mrs. Miyazaki
Human Resources Department
Sony Corporation
7-35 Kitashinagawa 6-chome
Tokyo 141-0001

Dear Mrs. Miyazaki,

I was browsing your website today and saw that you welcome applications for employment from native English speakers living and working in Japan. My background is in Business and I would be grateful if you would take the time to look over the attached résumé where I outline my experience. I am an excellent communicator and feel I would be able to fulfill a productive role in Sony's Marketing and Communications Department.

I can be contacted at 226-5454 during office hours and at 321-5555 in the evenings.

Patrick J. Wilde

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